Hope is the topic of this week's Spiritual Journey Thursday (or Sunday in my case!). Hope is such a powerful word and I believe it goes hand in hand with last week's topic: trust. I don't believe you can have one without the other. Because I fully trust in God, I have hope.
Hope in what, you might ask. Well, that is a loaded question, and one that has many answers. I have hope that:
- I will once again see loved ones who have gone before me
- my life has meaning and serves a purpose in God's world
- God's truth will find it's way into the heart of those who need our Savior
- the fear and anxiety that resides within me will someday loose it's power
- my students with special needs will some day live in a world where they are accepted for the unique, beautiful children they are
- that God will use me to spread His Word through my actions, words and deeds
- Jesus will come again!
That is a powerful list, and I HOPE (wait with confident expectation) to see them all come true for you and all of us!